I suppose no one really prepares us for tough times such as we face today. Every generation claims that they had it so rough to the next generation ahead of them. However, I think what makes it especially rough for those born in the 70's is that we really had it great and now have to deal with all that surrounds us with our spoiled mentality. Unlike generations before us-we did not have it rough-so we cannot make that claim. Think about it....Everything was so easy when we were younger that it seems now. We were the generation that did have it all when young, Safe home, supper on the table at 5p when Dad got home. Pool parties on warm sunny days, summer vacation, hanging out with friends, riding bikes down the street and home before the street lights went on at night. Stability. Normalcy. For most of us back then it seems. Knowing that Mom and Dad had the same jobs they always did and knowing you were in a safe home tucked in each night. Things that were always there, a comfort not often though of.
Now, it seems as if it were just a dream. As an adult, even when married, I was a single Mom. I was the one who made the supper each night and paid the bills for those lights that were turned out as they were safely tucked into bed each night-I was married on paper, not in reality as my father was to my mother in his own stability. I thought I would have the same job for years as my parent's before me seemed to have. Now, I don't know where the next dollar is coming from.
In our parent's generation, one could get a job out of high school or college and expect to stay there until retirement and then to move down to Florida. Us, well, all around us things are closing down. I certainly don't need to go into detail about that. There is not even the stability of marriage anymore. The world seems to be teetering out of control and I sometimes feel lost in it.
Before, once and a while someone would have a rough time with things. Now, it seems that it is contagious-everyone seems to be suffering from hard times not even imagined. In the 80's one could just walk right into a place and potentially be hired. Now you drown in an endless quagmire of oblivion when searching for jobs. I hear about mills in this area being shut down all of the time-and with each closing-hundreds lose their jobs and are tossed aside. With more and more closings-including the ending of my own program and employment-I feel as if this area is becoming a ghost town. People are walking around in a daze-wondering when things will go back to something even close to normal. Grasping for some sort of stability no one seems to even remember anymore.
Distant memories of jaded times are becoming more and more hazy. It does not even seem to hurt that there will be no more retirement funds left by the time my generation needs it.
Up here, people are fighters. We can survive on almost nothing and to withstand unendurable cold with every incredible means possible. It is not uncommon to hear about people not having any money for propane or oil for heat and of having to heat their trailers with hairdryers and heating plates. Of knowing tricks of keeping that valuable heat inside by hanging drapes over the windows and piling on blankets. Of people not only losing their jobs-but their vehicles and homes. I am hearing more and more stories of human suffering all around me and I will fight to keep smiling and to not lose my humor-for that will keep us alive for when the better times return.
In Maine people will help one another with the last dollar, knowing that it might be them next time. I hope people can learn from people here that lesson and to not give up hope. I will smile and know that I have worked hard and will keep searching for something out there. I do need money to keep this farm going and to feed my children. I know that I am not alone. Sorry this is so sad-but this needs to be written. People need to know about the incredibly brave people that live up here and of how strong we all are and silly when times are tough. We take pride in our accomplishments and gain strength from all we are enduring. Pulling ourselves up each time we fall and are made stronger each time. Learning more and more ways to get off that grid that is failing us. Growing our own food and living off the land. We will come out of this stronger and full of pride. Never forgetting what brought us up when we were knocked down again and again. Each other.
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