Friday, April 10, 2009

The Adventures of #2-"First week at new job"

Now that the Program that I worked on is over and done with I have embarked on a new adventure. On Friday of last week- we had the usual office party-though this time was the last. However, what made this remarkable besides the event that the party was for- was that I inherited the office mascot named #2. He is a plastic toy really. He is made of that rubber foam stuff and is a pencil-compliments to each of us in sales from the "Teacher's Insurance Plan of NJ". Sean made his special-he was decorated with an aluminum foil head-band and was given a mouth to hold a pen. He also had a small plastic skeleton sitting on his cubile to keep #2 company by the name of "Mr. Patel" in honor of the many Patel families that we sold policies to in NJ. My Co-worker Sean gave him to me as a parting gift. I felt honored. So in remembrance of the occasion, I thought I would update Sean on his adventures. Sean cherished his desk toys and loved #2. Other male co-workers would usually throw them at us female co-workers and I stupidy would pick them up and throw them back-untill I caught on.

Since our last day on Friday, April 3rd-after a tearful farewell I parted with #2 stuffed safely in my book bag with my empty coffee container and mug and reading materials. Call time was very slow on those last few days of the program.

Now, this is his first week at the new job-so I could understand his adjustment. Last week he was top in sales with ten minute breaks for cigarettes and now he has fifteen minutes. I am a good boss. He mainly sits in front of the monitor-missing his old boss Sean-though I have given him his space to adjust. He is used to the small cubicle and numerous co-workers who talk about fish fillets and ferrets all of the time. Now he stares at the monitor and sometimes has Cheese-Its at his desk. He is still adjusting to the loss of Sean and Mr. Patel.

Tuesday I even let him spin some wool. He is having a rough time though-since he has no arms. I understand and will let him adjust and hope for the best....

Monday, April 6, 2009

Before and after photos of sheep

My wonderful sheep! Here are the "before and after photo's" of them. I'll let you guess which one is which!!

Shorter Blogs

I have received requests for shorter blogs. I will certainly try! I write novels-what do you want people! OK, here goes....

Friday, last day of work. High Point insurance wants to stay in NJ and not have us in Maine anymore. Fine. We kicked their butts in sales, but whatever. Understand. Economy and all.

Saturday. Dragged kids outta bed and drove down to Mass-four and a half hour drive. Visited with my little sis, her husband Jim and their adorable son-Baby D (Dylan). Had a wonderful time. Kids loved Bugaboo Creek Steak House-we felt like we were home in the Disney version of our lives. We didn't hear the moose talk-will just have to wait until we are home for that and hope we catch them! lolol

Sunday. Little sis, Kris' made chocolate chip muffins-Yum. Dragged kids in car and headed south a few more exits to Attleboro area in Mass. Visited with Heidi. Made everyone down there watch my wonderful video that I made of Winter in Cheddaville! Complete with Cat Stevens music in background and morphing pics of big Maine snow!

For lunch we went to Josie, Keith and Ali's house. We were inundated with Keith's latest technology and us hics from Maine loved it! Had burgers on the grill. Then over to other side of North Attleboro to see Marcia and Wayne for afternoon and dinner. Sat on the porch out back and updated them on life here in the Sticks. Hung out for a while and watched Wayne torment kids in his usual way! He made them a snack for long ride home. Left North Attleboro around 8:30p and arrived home-non-stop after midnight. Second wind around Lewiston for last leg of journey.

Wished I could have stayed longer-took updated pics of all down there. Have a lot of work ahead now that I am unemployed. I am keeping my schedule that I had grown used to with finding other means of employment. I plan on updating my farm web page and organizing the farm. I also plan on getting my two completed literary historical novels published. All this while searching for something. Please do not let all of my years of education and work history not go to waste!! I common prayer in these times I know! A lot to do so little time!

Just another step in my life's adventure.